A lot of people spend their life searching for the truth of why they are alive. Many find it hard to believe that there is not something more beyond this physical realm. It is almost as if it is engrained in human nature to search for something that is beyond what our senses can grab. I believe this is why we see many people practice things like mediation, magic arts, and different types of faith and religion. I was also this way for some time, but then I realized the truth of why I am on this earth through some very unique experiences. I went from living with no purpose or direction, like many others, to then having an exciting and supernatural life. Through my life experiences I realized that everyone has access to this fulfilling life. I'm confident that sharing my experiences with you will compel you to want to embrace this same satisfying life. 
My parents raised me, my entire life, to be a Christian. I believed that my parents were right and knew everything like every child does. As I came into my teenage years my parents lives changed. Alcohol, drugs, and violence came into the picture and the Christian principals of love and purity I was taught as a child were lost in the mess. Once I started high school I didn’t think or care about God. I just wanted to have a good time. I began partying constantly. Each year of high school I partied more and did harder drugs. During my senior year in high school, I regularly abused marijuana, cocaine, xanax, psychedelics, and alcohol.
Once I graduated I was so excited to go to college because I could now party more than ever. Around this time the state of Massachusetts felt that they needed to interevene in my home, so they removed me and my two younger siblings from my parents. I ended up living with my Grammy the summer before college. While I lived at her old folks apartment, this boy would pick me up. He owned a clothing line and always had drugs, so of course, I liked him. He always talked about manifesting things into reality, and basically he was operating in the power of the demonic realm. It was all fun and games until I cheated on him because I was very promiscious. Sex was another one of my addictions. Because of this addiction I destroyed many of my friendships and burnt almost every bridge in my life.
I became depressed, anxious, and was even unable to eat. This was very unlike me. I was usually the life of the party. I spent weeks trying to get out of this state of mind. I started hanging out with another boy I knew in high school. We would go hiking and he would teach me about lucid dreaming and other occultic things that he practiced. On the way home one day we were listening to an underground rap song by an artist who committed suicide. The song kept saying “Killiminati” and it was as if the word “illuminati” was smacking me in the face. Once I got home I  picked my phone up and began Googling to find out what the “illuminati” really was. I clicked on a Christian article about the illuminati and began to read. It talked all about the global infiltration of this elite system and their plan to run the world. The article ended by encourging other Christians saying, “ In John 16:33 Jesus declared, ‘In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’” and “‘You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.’”
At the time I read this article I felt far from God. I know that many others feel this same way. What happened next was a spiritual experience which I have found is hard to explain fully with words. When I read that second Bible verse it was as if God Himself came and visited me. It seemed like someone turned all the lights on in my life. Everything I was taught as a child came flooding back into my mind. My chest opened up and it felt as if a spotlight was shining out of it. I raised my hands to God and started weeping and saying, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” I felt overwhelmed with love, and I knew deep within me that God was not mad at me. I felt in my heart Him saying, “It’s okay, it doesn’t matter what you have done you can come back to Me.”
All these circumstances came together in one perfect moment. It was like when a perfectly tuned orchestra plays in harmonious unision, and God was the Conductor. That moment was the turning point of my life. I no longer felt  anxious, or depressed, and no longer needed to search for truth or purpose. Over time I stopped smoking weed, drinking, and set aside the rest of the addictions that were destroying my life. I realized that God had created me and He is my Father. That whole time He was just waiting for me to realize it. I also realized that everyone has this same opportunity to have a relationship with God. 
After I had this life-changing encounter I felt so compelled to share this experience with others. I felt such an urgency to tell everyone that God really was real. I spent most of my life not knowing how real and tangible God is. That is why I am sharing this story. Whoever reads this needs to know that God is real and He loves you. God is so much more real than that stereotypical brown-haird guy with a suit on and a Bible in his hand will present Him to you. But He is really real. God is not some storybook God that is stuck in the Bible. God is not the giant from Jack and the Bean Stock. He is here with you right now even as you read. The Bible says, “The Lord is close to the broken hearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” As people we’ve all made mistakes, but that is why the Gospel is good news. In that moment when God came and visited me I knew that my past was forgiven and I could move forward with a brand new life, and you can too. If you ask God to make Himself real to you I can promise you that He will. I encourage you even after you read this to call on the name of Jesus and see what happens. 
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